The Lexington Bicentennial Band Concerts

Summer Concert Schedule

During the summer, the LBB gives a free concert each Tuesday night in the Summer.


The concerts take place at the Levi Burnell Bandstand, which is in Hastings Park at the corner of Worthen Road and Old Mass Avenue. Many people bring blankets, lawn chairs, picnic lunches, and games and enjoy a relaxing summer evening of music.

Children are welcome, although parents are asked to please keep children from playing near the bandstand during the concert, out of respect for the musicians and the audience. Children (of all ages) will be invited to march around the bandstand during the last piece of each half of the concert.

All concerts begin at 7:15pm. You can check whether a concert has been cancelled (e.g., because of inclement weather) by calling 781-698-4647 after 4:30pm on the day of the concert.